As Transition Days and Induction Days approach, Juliet Stafford, Evidence Lead in Education, outlines a case study for effective transition from Year 4.

They say that ​a change is a good as a rest” and indeed change can be a very positive influence in our lives bringing with it many exciting new opportunities. However, change can also be unsettling and bring uncertainty and can be harder for some of us to deal with than others. All schools recognise this and proactively put in strategies to manage change for pupils particularly as children move from one school setting to another. Teachers are familiar with the transition from Year 6 to Year 7 and the activities that are planned to ease this movement for pupils – meetings with the Year 6 lead and SENDCO, induction days, information evening for parents as well as summer schools and holiday transition projects. At Etone College, as all schools do, we place huge importance on managing this pastoral transition of pupils into our care but have also looked at transition through a different lens– one that has taken a slightly more extended and broader look.

Several years ago, we started to reach out to our local primary feeder schools to engage them in curriculum projects. Initially, this was in subject areas where we had staffing capacity, namely MFL and PE. Not only did we offer activities to Year 6 pupils but also engaged with younger pupils in Years 4 and 5. We were delighted to host pupils for PE taster lessons where they were able to try out sports and use facilities not available in primary schools. We also delivered language lessons in German, French and Spanish as well as offering pupils a Modern Language Experience Day at our school. These projects provided specialist teachers and enhanced the KS2 curriculum whilst, at the same time, offered fun and exciting opportunities in a secondary school setting, helping to reduce some of the anxiety that pupils might have been feeling around the move up to ​big school”.

Creating memorable experiences

We were keen to make these secondary school visits really positive so took time to think about how we could make the experience a really memorable one. All pupils were greeted and given a warm welcome by a member of Leadership and often Etone pupil ambassadors. We planned for them a relevant and fun session with lots of opportunities for hands on learning often supported by older pupils. We also provided a drink and a snack as well as a certificate and a takeaway learning resource that pupils could use when they were back at school. We recognised that when pupils visited Etone just how important it was to provide warm, friendly and positive experience for them to help ease transition at a later date.

Our Primary Offer

Delighted by the success of our initial projects and the very positive evaluations that we received, we were keen to expand our offer to include a greater range of subjects and work with a larger number of primary schools. I have been really privileged during the development of these curriculum projects to work alongside primary colleagues who have given up their time to support our joint working. Out of these meetings and discussions with staff at Etone came lots of amazing ideas which has shaped our primary transition programme that we are very proud to be able to offer to our local primary schools.


Etone slide 1
Etone’s Primary School Offer 

Setting up transition projects such as these does, however, require effective organisation and it is crucial to work alongside primary colleagues to overcome any potential barriers. Where pupils were close enough to walk, transport was not an issue but where they were not, we would offer transport by picking pupils up in our minibus. Time is always a constraint and I was always very mindful of taking the time of my primary colleagues for face to face meetings. Whilst Covid did not bring us many benefits, one thing that I am thankful for was TEAMS which has really helped to facilitate meetings in the last couple of years. Other things to consider are ensuring that you have parent consent for visits, are aware of any medical considerations whilst pupils are on your site and have completed age appropriate risk assessments for all activities. Finally, there is the challenge of releasing staff to lead on these projects and I was very fortunate to be able to draw on both the expertise and goodwill of my colleagues at Etone to offer this provision. However, planning projects once Year 11 and 13 have left or using any staff under allocation can really help.

So what have the benefits been of these projects?

Firstly, they have allowed for curriculum continuity. We have been able to deliver some of the KS2 content in specialist equipped rooms with specialist staff and delight at the pupil awe and wonder displayed as the Elephant’s Toothpaste shot towards the ceiling of the Science Lab or they were greeted by our very own Miss Potter! We have also been able to bridge some of the most common gaps that we find when pupils arrive in Year 7. A great example of this is in Science where we have offered primary school based investigations to strengthen pupil skills in working scientifically – whether this be looking at seed dispersal or circuits – activities have planned to meet the needs of the KS2 curriculum whilst also better preparing our learners for KS3. Finally, as part of continuity, we started to think about how we could best use the time we have with Year 6 learners on Induction Day. Not only did we include a PSHE style lesson which focused on the move up to secondary school and how to cope with the emotions that pupils might be feeling but also planned induction day lessons that focused deliberately on bridging any curriculum gaps. For example, pupils may arrive at secondary school with different expertise in map skills so why not use the time on induction day to tackle this and plan activities to bridge the gap.

As well as the obvious curriculum benefits, these visits to Etone or visits from our staff to primary schools have really helped to dispel some of the myths around secondary school for primary pupils. Getting to meet staff, see inside the school, work alongside older pupils as well as have memorable experiences all builds confidence at an early stage for both pupils and parents alike.

Strengthening relationships and partnerships

As I have already mentioned, I have been delighted to be able to develop some very strong working relationships with primary colleagues. Not only have we supported primary schools but we have truly benefitted from their expertise. This venture really has been a partnership and we have been delighted to benefit from a whole host of opportunities as a result. We have welcomed primary colleagues to provide CPD for staff around the Year 6 curriculum so we can ensure that we provide appropriate challenge at the start of KS3. Schools have kindly hosted SCITT trainees for their primary placements, provided opportunities for our KS3 leads to observe Year 6 lessons as well as host planning meetings to review Y6 schemes of leaning to aid curriculum transition. This has provided invaluable professional development for Etone staff which has then positively impacted on our curriculum intent and implementation.

Part of forging these working relationships and as a follow on from our offer for pupils, Etone also hosted CPD for primary colleagues. This was usually at the request of primary colleagues and bespoke to each school but has again evolved into a package that we can offer for CPD. Whether this be providing training in MFL teaching and learning strategies or how to plan and execute a practical lesson in DT, this professional development has enhanced our primary joint working still further.

Reflecting on the journey

I feel very proud of what we have collectively achieved. Not only have we broadened transition to include Years 45 and 6 but we have done so in a way that supports both the academic and pastoral needs of pupils. We have developed really strong working partnerships cross phase by offering a bespoke package for primary schools to meet their needs whilst being lucky enough to benefit from their expertise. We truly believe that this is a pupil centred approach which aids transition on all fronts.

So, where are we heading next?

For us, we would like to be able to host subject based forums where we can invite several primary schools for curriculum conversations around transition to provide a really powerful opportunity to examine and align our curriculums still further. Also, whilst we inform parents of our events and celebrate them through our website and social media, we are considering ways to involve primary parents more fully in our events and activities. There is much that has been achieved but still places that we can go on this journey. I hope that this article has provided some insight into a slightly different approach to transition to ensure that it is as beneficial as possible for pupils and to ensure that a ​change really is as good as a rest”!

The EEF School Transition Tool can be found here

By Juliet Stafford (Etone College and Evidence Lead in Education-Staffordshire Research School)

NEW EEF Implementation Guidance Report launched with SRS events to support schools.

We are thrilled to share the announcement of  the release of the EEF’s latest Implementation Guidance Report. This comprehensive resource is a game-changer for school leaders, offering insights drawn from extensive research. Packed with actionable recommendations, this guide equips leaders with the knowledge and support they need to spearhead transformative changes and drive improvements effectively.

Staffordshire Research School are hosting a series of launch events where you can find out all about this fantastic new resource.  Sessions are being hosted in Sutton Coldfield, Burton upon Trent and virtually with a variety of dates and times available.

Book your session

‘3 Minutes on Leadership’ Series

Commencing on Wednesday, April 24th, in sync with the release of the eagerly anticipated EEF Implementation Guidance Report, Staffordshire Research School are excited to introduce a brief weekly email series. Each Wednesday, leaders will receive a concise, three-minute read featuring leadership research insights, thought-provoking reflection questions, and additional recommended reading materials to enrich your professional journey.

Please complete the form here if you would like to receive a weekly email.


During our recent Early Years planning meeting, the team chatted at length about arising issues and needs in Early Years when considering future content for network sessions. One aspect discussed was the importance of PD – Physical Development, both gross motor and fine motor skills. Not only does PD play a significant role in mitigating against concerns in reductions in children’s physical activity, it also contributes to cognitive development; the development of strong bones, muscles and heart; the development of gross and fine motor skills and supports the development of personal and social skills.

Ruth Swailes, our Early Years Network Lead at Gateway has shared her blog to explain more about the development of upper body strength with particular focus on its importance in the development of fine motor skills and the stamina required to be a writer. She also shares ideas on what can be done and what is needed to support this vital aspect of child development.

The development of upper body strength.

What is the shoulder girdle?

The shoulder girdle is also known as the pectoral girdle. It is a ring of bones formed by two sets of bones: the scapulae (shoulder blades) and the clavicles (collar bones) which , along with the muscles and ligaments connected to them, form a circle around the top of the rib cage. The shoulder girdle forms a stable base from which the shoulder joint moves. It supports arm movements from the shoulder joint. Shoulder girdle stability happens when the large muscles of the shoulder girdle contract together effectively to stabilise the shoulder blade and the shoulder joint.

Why is it important ?

Children’s upper body strength, including shoulder girdle development is important because it develops the  muscle tone which is required to support children with object manipulation, grasping, and eventually to develop the necessary control and stamina for writing. Good upper body and shoulder girdle stability enables the smaller muscles in the arms and hands to work more efficiently because they have been given a stable base of support. Without this stability children can get into poor postural habits and may struggle to build stamina for writing, as their muscles and joints become unnecessarily fatigued. Poor upper body strength and shoulder stability can affect handwriting and other fine motor tasks. Over time, poor upper body strength can lead to an over reliance on the arms and this can be detrimental to good physical development.

The development of good shoulder girdle strength enables children to develop something called proximal stabilty. This means that the child is able to control the joints closest to the body effectively, which in turn leads to better distal stability, quite simply better control of the joints which are further away from the body. In this case the elbows, wrists and fingers.  It is a necessary building block for good handwriting and fine motor control.

Some signs to look out for:

Children who have not yet developed good upper body strength often work at arms length. When they write they often have the paper far away from their body. Take time to look at how a child positions their arms. A child who has developed good upper body strength looks at ease when writing, cutting and manipulating. Children who have not yet developed this area can look uncomfortable. Limbs may seem “spiky” with children working at odd and awkward angles. They will tire easily and not want to work on fine motor activities such as writing or cutting for any length of time.

How can you support it?

Upper body strength should develop through exposure to a large range of gross motor opportunities.

For small children, lying on the tummy and pushing up on the arms, as well as crawling will help the muscles of the shoulder girdle to develop.  Tummy time at story time, with children lying on their stomachs, instead of sitting up can develop upper body strength. Many schools I work with have adopted this approach to story time and have seen increased concentration as children do not have to focus on proprioceptor control (see previous blog).

Children should be encouraged to take part in activities that involve climbing, pushing, pulling, throwing and weight-bearing through their arms, for example wheelbarrow walking, in order to strengthen all the muscles around the shoulder joint and the scapula. Crawling through tunnels encourages children to bear weight through their arms.

Running, jumping, climbing, swinging, and skipping etc. all allow a child to exercise their large muscle groups, and often support many areas of physical development simultaneously.  Monkey bars are great options for increasing a child’s upper body strength and dexterity. Trapeze bars which are also a great way of increasing upper body strength as the child pulls themselves up, or swings on the bar.

Large whiteboards, chalkboards, and pieces of paper hung on fences or walls for children to decorate with large arm movements can develop shoulder girdle strength.  A large whiteboard or roll of paper on the floor can also support the child to develop their core and upper body strength.

Loose parts and transportation play

One of the most simple and cheap ways to develop upper body and shoulder strength is to invest in items which are heavy for children and which they would naturally want to transport. Large building blocks, tyres, wheelbarrows full of pebbles or sand, pulleys, crates, heavy buckets full of water all provide meaningful opportunities for children to develop their strength alongside a range of other skills such as co- operation, PSED, and the characteristics of effective learning. Sand pits, gravel pits and real bricks in the construction area can all provide rich and meaningful opportunities to transport objects. These require children to take risks, and adults have to teach children how to use these materials safely and considerately.

What do you need?

Further reading: Carol Brown (2010) Improving fine motor skills in young children: an intervention study.

Ruth Swailes has almost 3 decades experience in primary education including primary headship. Ruth has worked as a School Improvement Advisor, Early Years consultant and moderator in several Local Authorities and currently works part time as a School Improvement Advisor to several Local Authority schools.

Ruth is the lead developer and writer of the Oxford University Press International Early Years Curriculum and recently advised on one of the Government Accredited Phonics schemes. She has co -authored a book “Early Childhood Theorists Today” with Aaron Bradbury.  Ruth was awarded Nursery World Trainer of the Year 2021.


If you are interested in finding out more about our Early Years Network events and our other events coming this term, do take a look and contact us on


In the second ‘In Conversation with…’ articles from our Art leads, we hear from Emily Gopaul. Here she shares her thoughts, observations and tips on her passion for art in the Primary School.

What drives you to keep going and advocate art education?

I have been fortunate enough to teach and lead on art for nearly 20 years and in a range of settings: PRUs, primary, secondary, state and private sector. Engaging children and young adults with developing their own creative and expressive ideas, seeing them discover new materials and techniques, listening to them discuss concepts and critique art has been a privilege and something that has motivated me to teach for a long time. My book and broader work as a consultant with the cultural and educational sector is an extension of this. Supporting teachers and therefore more students through training or creating resources is so rewarding.

I am also so buoyed by the changes that I am hopeful to see in art education. For example, I have seen the landscape change and move towards more awareness of the need for diversity in the art and artists we teach about. Research like VISUALISE: RACE & INCLUSION IN SECONDARY SCHOOL ART EDUCATION is really supportive of the changes that must happen on a big scale. The work I am doing with Oak National Academy will also speak to this, look out for KS1 – KS4 full curriculum content coming soon – I can’t wait for teachers to be supported by these soon. It is inspiring to be working on a team with so many experts in their field on creating these resources.

What are some of the key issues you think we are currently facing in art education?

As I mentioned, the need for resources and content in primary and secondary art to be more diverse and representative of the global art world and the students we teach. The narrow perception of what art is or is not is limiting for so many who might want to enjoy the arts or even contribute to the arts. I am hopeful about change, especially as I know there are so many people in the art education community who advocate passionately about the need for reform in this area.

I am also concerned about the decreasing numbers of students taking art related A-levels and GCSEs and the inevitable knock on impacts of this on art and design, all the way to primary school level. Since 2010, arts enrolment has dropped by 47% at GCSE and 29% at A-level. The report ‘The Arts in Schools: Foundations for the Future report that was published by A New Direction on 30 March 2023 has some interesting findings.

Art is already often marginalised and although we are a resilient bunch, it is about time there was a fundamental shift in perspectives about the subject, by many of the people who make policies and drive decisions in schools. There is such a disconnect between the exciting output of the creative industries in this country and the status of art in education. In order that creative jobs and opportunities are open to all and not just a few, we need students to be exposed to the experiences that will inspire them, regardless of their school or home setting. Imagine a world without the arts!

In your experience, what are the challenges faced by teachers with art?

A lack of time is something I hear about anecdotally and more formally. A teacher, whether primary or secondary, is stretched across so many different focuses, many of which take them away from the actual job of teaching. Given enough time most teachers want to plan and teach engaging and exciting lessons, they want to share their own passion for a subject and for learning. Art and design teachers need to feel creative themselves – it is hard to feel that way when you are tired and feeling overworked. In the primary sector, there is often a lack of training in the foundation subjects too, so teachers enter the profession feeling ill equipped about the subject knowledge and specific pedagogy needed to teach certain subjects. They are then forced to rely on resources that are pre-made, often those resources do not exemplify best practice or make best use of inspiring art and artists. 

That is why I am so hopeful that the new art and design lesson packages that I am creating at Oak and NSEAD (National Society for Education in Art and Design) will be supportive of teachers and their need for time. The content will be there to support those who might not feel confident teaching art or simply not have the capacity to plan high quality lessons. The resources are not meant to be prescriptive so they can be adapted to suit the teachers and their settings. Equally, if needs be they can be used as a full package.

What would be your three Top Tips?

  1. Find high quality resources to lean into for ideas and reliable content 
  2. Share resources with other art teachers, create a sharing community so you are not isolated or reinventing the wheel
  3. Take time to be you outside of teacher- Be you and recharge!

If you could encourage all Primary school teachers to consistently do ONE thing in art, what would it be?

Learn about new artists that inspire you and that your students will enjoy. Even if you are using pre-made resources, you can still introduce new and exciting artists to the students, alongside or instead of the status quo of artists that tend to get regurgitated again and again in schools. You don’t have to visit exhibitions, you can look online too. Remember just because an artist is not part of the western art history canon, it does not mean they are not worthwhile and inspiring for your students to learn about.


Emily has led on our Gateway Alliance Curriculum Art event receiving fantastic feedback:

‘Lots of ideas and sharing from the group, new ideas for artists and love that Alma was mentioned as I have introduced her this year to my school’s curriculum. Reassuring to hear similar minded thoughts and questions from other art leads and hearing Emily’s responses which will improve my practice as art lead moving forward.’

‘Inspired by the discussion about the range of artists! Several of which I will be sharing within my school!’

‘The warmth and energy of Emily, she was very knowledgeable and engaging. Good to talk to other subject leaders. Great to discuss the different cultures and how to incorporate them into the curriculum.’


Emily Gopaul is a London-born art educator, artist and art education consultant of Indo-Guyanese descent. With extensive experience in teaching and leading art in both primary and secondary schools, Emily has established herself as a respected figure in the field of art education.  Emily authored the book “Teaching Primary Art and Design” in 2018, sharing her ideas for effective practices and lessons. Currently, Emily operates through her company, The Primary Art Class, where she works as an art educational consultant and advocate. Her expertise is sought after by educational and cultural organisations. Emily has worked with renowned institutions such as Teach First, Findel, Tate, BBC, The Crafts Council, NSEAD, The Thackray Museum and most recently joined the team at Oak National Academy as Art & Design Subject Lead. Her book Teaching Primary Art and Design was published by Bloomsbury in 2018, written to support primary art leaders in contextualising practical art activities using art history and contemporary art practice. Emily engages directly with schools and facilitates CPD events. She is passionate about art education and her work often has an intentional bias towards inclusive, anti-racist and context-aware resources. She aims to introduce a broader interpretation of collections and exhibitions for educational purposes and is focused on referencing art and artists from ethnically and culturally diverse backgrounds and empowering students to be cultural contributors themselves.

You can follow Emily on X (Twitter) @PrimaArtClass


If you would like to find out more about how you can benefit from the expertise such as Emily’s expertise to support in school, please contact us on

Find out more about our other Curriculum CPD events this year at Gateway Alliance.

In the first of two ‘In Conversation with…’ articles from our Art leads, we hear from Emma-Jo Bairstow. Here she shares her thoughts, observations and tips on her passion for art in the Primary School.

What drives you to keep going and advocate art education?

Seeing the impact that art has on children. Teaching art in class and witnessing how they can interpret and develop their own ideas and just watching them grow in confidence, especially the children that find they excel in art more than in other subjects. It’s wonderful to be part of them finding out that they flourish in the arts.

What are some of the key issues you think we are currently facing in art education?

Treating art like it is something that is linear and can be measured on a progression document. The increased pressure to assess art at such a young age. This needs approaching gently and with caution as it could be damaging to creative development.

In your experience, what are the challenges faced by teachers with art?

I have lots of conversations with teachers about their art lessons and something that comes up constantly is subject knowledge and confidence in modelling the skills. I think if you do not have a background in art it can seem quite overwhelming approaching e.g. a lesson in printmaking or acrylic painting.

I think worrying about getting it wrong and the pressure for outcomes can be stressful for teachers.

What would be your three Top Tips?

  1. Build your confidence: Explore the materials yourself first before teaching so you know what to expect and what may need breaking down and modelling more in your session.
  2. Be alongside as an artist: Enjoy the process and learn alongside the children when approaching something new.
  3. The importance of trial-and-error: My career as an art specialist and art teacher has been so much trial and error, learning from the things that go wrong. That is an essential part of the creative process. Don’t be afraid to show the children this process

If you could encourage all Primary school teachers to consistently do ONE thing in art, what would it be?


Do your research when ordering so that you have the right resources, so that your children can succeed in what you want them to do. If you want fine lines and details in a painting – give the fine brushes. If you want them to shade, give them shading pencils. It makes it so much harder for the children to succeed without the right equipment.

Another key message from Emma:

I get asked this question often in my practice- what is more important the process or the outcome?

I feel the process and the outcome are both important. As an artist I need an outcome to aim towards and to drive me forward. The process may change what my outcome turns out like as I learn on the way, but I still get a sense of achievement when I create a finished thing.

From my experience in the classroom I think this is the same with children. They love seeing the finished outcome and knowing that they achieved it. The process is like the magic that got them to their goal. Both are as important as each other.


Emma has led on our Gateway Alliance Curriculum Art event receiving fantastic feedback:

‘Love the practical element! Really loved seeing all of the real life examples too. Every time I hear Emma, I feel reinvigorated and ready to up level our curriculum again!’

‘Lots of fantastic information shared that was very useful. Emma had brilliant knowledge herself and it was great to hear her views. Lots of good examples of work which was great to see. Was also great that EYFS was heavily included. Brilliant!’

‘Really enjoyed the EYFS links and whole school approach. Also great to hear the creative approach and that there isn’t an expectation for a linear ‘one size fits all’ approach.’


Emma Bairstow is an art consultant working nationally to up-skill, build confidence and create positive learning experiences for children and teachers in art within the primary setting. Emma graduated from Wimbledon College of Art in 2002 and has since been based in an educational setting carving her own path as an art specialist for the Inspire Partnership in London and now setting up Artworks Education and working across the country delivering CPD and workshops. She combines her own creative practice with what she has learnt through teaching art to support staff in embedding a rich and skills-based art curriculum that builds on skills over time.

You can follow Emma on X (Twitter) @artworksedu


If you would like to find out more about how you can benefit from the expertise such as Emma’s expertise to support in school, please contact us on

Find out more about our other Curriculum CPD events this year at Gateway Alliance.

In the first of our NEW ‘In Conversation with…’ articles, we hear from Leanne Mee, our Curriculum CPD Design and Technology lead. Here she shares her thoughts, observations and tips on her passion, D&T.


What drives you to keep going and advocate Design and Technology education?

For me, it’s all about making sure that children have those core skills that they’ll need to succeed in life. Skills such as creativity and problem-solving which are so vital. It’s about raising children’s aspirations.


What are some of the key issues you think we are currently facing in D&T education?

It’s always time and budget. Then the lack of either knowledge or confidence in class teachers when teaching D&T with their children. There’s a huge recruitment crisis in engineering and manufacturing and the place to start addressing this is in Primary schools. It needs to start here.


In your experience, what are the challenges faced by teachers with Design & Technology?

This goes back to teacher confidence I think – having the necessary knowledge and understanding. My experience suggests that the Design and Technology leaders have the buy in, but are all class teachers? It’s also interesting how very little time is spent on Design and Technology as part of Initial Teacher Training – it just doesn’t feel like the subject is as high profile as English or Maths and yet D&T provides such a great context for both English and Maths learning.


What would be your three Top Tips to overcome these challenges?

  1.  Develop units around the notion of ‘Something for somebody for some purpose’.
  2.  Network with other D&T leads and enthusiasts: events like today with Gateway provide such a wonderful opportunity for this. I’ve lots to offer at The STEM Workshop for both Primary and Secondary Schools.
  3.  Beg, steal and borrow!! (well, not the steal!) But do ask local companies, universities, local secondary schools to support with resources or expertise. There is so much out there!


If you could encourage all Primary school teachers to consistently do ONE thing in D&T, what would it be?

Make it real and relevant. Give children a problem to solve and watch them innovate. Just like today with the D&T leaders ‘Build a mechanical system to move a ball’ A great opportunity to explore how products are manufactured.  And the key is to ensure you assess all the risks and put measures in place through your risk assessments to mitigate against these.



Leanne leads the Gateway Alliance Curriculum CPD – Design and Technology events with the most recent receiving fantastic feedback:

‘Really informative and useful to have practicals to embed skills and what we are asking of the children and staff delivering D&T in school.’

‘Opportunity to make, think, collaborative working and to ask questions.’

‘Practical engaging session showing DT skills in action. Really good to focus on structures and mechanisms.’

‘Really interactive and gave lots of ideas to use in school. Assessment info was also helpful.’


Leanne Mee founded The STEM Workshop in 2018 as a direct result of the decline of Design and Technology within schools. She is an experienced leader and teacher having previously led various subjects to include Design and Technology, Science and Maths. Leanne secured a National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership for bringing about sustainable changes across STEM within her previous role. In the work Leanne has done in supporting the work across several organisations and schools she was awarded an Excellence Award in 2021 from the Design and Technology Association for the Development of STEM Learning Opportunities Award.


If you would like to find out more about Leanne and her work with The STEM Workshop, contact her on: or call 07402 528947

You can find Leanne on X (Twitter) @theSTEMworkshop


Click here to find out more about our other Curriculum CPD events this year at Gateway Alliance.