Looking ahead to 2023-24 and our NEW CPD Programme!

Author: Pam Carpenter
Category: news

Following another successful CPD Programme in 2022-23 and the incredible feedback with 99% of our events rated as Good or Excellent over the previous 6 years, we are delighted to launch our NEW 2023-24 CPD Programme.

At Gateway Alliance, we strive to ensure our professional development and training reflects the latest educational thinking and research and make  it easy  to access and engage with a broad range of evidence-informed training and development programmes that make a real difference where it matters…in the classroom.

Our 2023-24 CPD Programme sees the continuation of our Networks for  Maths, EnglishSENCo and School Business Managers and the further development of our Early Years Network led by Ruth Swailes to align with other networks. We will continue to provide options for face-to-face and online to suit the needs of all colleagues in addition to access to resources, recordings and a closed FaceBook group and the opportunity to come together as whole group at each of our inspirational Spring Conference events.

For any Senior Leaders: The combination of face-to-face and online ‘Think Piece’ webinars is sure to appeal to Senior Leaders with more inspirational speakers including Dylan Wiliam, Alison Kriel and Dan Fitzpatrick.  Our Summer Senior Leader Conference promises to be another Gateway hit as we welcome Doug Lemov (Teach like a Champion) all the way from the US and the inspirational Kriss Akabusi.

At Gateway Alliance, we pride ourselves on being responsive to feedback and have designed our Curriculum CPD to ensure that we are at the forefront of professional learning whilst reflecting the needs and developing priorities of our subject leaders and schools.

Following their great appeal last year, we are continuing to offer our Subscription Bundles where Curriculum+ subscribing schools can access all 10 of the Curriculum CPD sessions on offer throughout the year. For those schools wishing to drive improvement throughout all aspects of their school, our Whole School Subscription Bundle provides tremendous value at just £2,700. If you are keen to offer professional learning for your Governors, our NEW Governor Development Programme (consisting of 6 x twilight sessions) can be purchased as a subscription or as part of the NEW ‘Whole School + Governors’ Subscription Bundle for only £2,999.

We pride ourselves on the relationships and partnerships forged with our schools, Teaching School Hubs and organisations across the locality and are excited to be welcoming new schools from further afield to our programmes and networks. Our full CPD programme can now be explored in our Training and Development Brochure 2023-24. It looks like it is set to be another incredible year at Gateway Alliance where we strive to maintain our excellent track record in providing high quality professional learning for all of our schools and the children that they serve.

If your school, MAT or consortia wishes to learn more about how we can best support you and your school priorities for 2023-24, please contact us on 02476 347697 or email us info@gatewayalliance.co.uk