Curriculum CPD – Religious Education

(Curriculum CPD Programme 2024-25)
Delegate price £230.00
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Date & Details
Facilitator Profile

Religious Education

Diving Deeper into RE

Led by Anne Andrews


This course will be run over 2 online sessions, delegates should attend both sessions.

Session 1: 

This session is aimed at both existing subject leaders and those who are new to role.

This bespoke online session will focus on:

Effective subject leadership in RE – the elements that are essential to the delivery of high quality RE, while opening up the group to discussion about other elements and the support need to implement these keys.

Subject knowledge and where to find it – an exploration of some of the ways to develop subject knowledge in RE.

Effective planning in RE – the three levels of planning – long-term, mid-term and short term. We will also begin to explore the link between planning and assessment, with a view to continuing this in the next session.

Session 2: TBC

The second session will explore a different aspect of RE provision and will be agreed based on a needs assessment and feedback from session 1.


This course is being run over 2 sessions. Delegates are expected to ATTEND BOTH SESSIONS.

The sessions are taking place as follows:

SESSION 1: 05 December 2024 13:00 – 15:30

SESSION 2: 06 February 2025 09:30 – 12:00

By booking a place on this course, you will secure 1 place on each of the 2 sessions.

We will be using Zoom (online video conferencing software) to host this online event. If you have not used Zoom previously, you may need to download the Zoom software either to a laptop, PC, tablet or smartphone, prior to joining. When you have booked your place a link will be emailed to you, within 48 hours of the webinar, with further instructions about how to join the event.

Cost: £230 for non-subscribing schools


Schools who subscribe to the Gateway Alliance Curriculum CPD Offer have FIVE FREE places on any of the TEN courses within the subscription. 

Additional places can be purchased for £165 per person or schools can choose to purchase multiple subscriptions if they wish to take advantage of more places at a greater discount.

Costs will be incurred for schools that do not subscribe. Please see our terms for further details.


If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us on 02476 347697 or email:

Anne Andrews

Anne Andrews is the RE adviser to the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education, a post she took up in February 2014, after a career teaching at secondary and primary levels. In this role she supports schools with curriculum development, subject leadership, effective teaching strategies as well as preparation for inspection.

She is also adviser to three SACREs (Standing advisory Council for Religious Education) in the Diocese of Oxford and has been involved in the development of some Locally Agreed Syllabuses. She is a member of the NASACRE (National Association of SACREs) executive committee and helps to produce their national briefings and other communications. Her passion is to see RE taught with passion and engagement, challenging pupils and teachers to be curious about the world of beliefs and world views.

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