Senior Leaders’ Think-Piece Webinar 4: Sustaining Primary School Leadership in Turbulent Times

(Senior Leaders’ Network 2024-25)
Delegate price £90.00
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Senior Leaders’ Think-Piece Webinar 4:

Sustaining Primary School Leadership in Turbulent Times

Led by Professor Toby Greany

The task of leading schools today is hugely demanding. Headteachers report working unreasonable hours, some are burning out and many plan to leave, while fewer senior leaders say they aspire to the top job (Thomson and Greany, 2024). This raises important questions around the sustainability of leadership. In this session Toby will share emerging findings from a large-scale study he is leading which seeks to understand:

i) how the four UK nations recruit, train and retain school leaders

ii) how well these approaches take account of individual, local and systemic needs and sustainability. He will focus on findings and implications for primary leaders in particular, exploring how leadership can be made more sustainable.

DATE: Thursday, 8 May 2025

TIME: 10:00-11:00

We will be using Zoom (online video conferencing software) to host this online event. If you have not used Zoom previously, you may need to download the Zoom software either to a laptop, PC, tablet or smartphone, prior to joining. When you have booked your place a link will be emailed to you, within 48 hours of the webinar, with further instructions about how to join the event.



COST: £90 for non-subscribing schools

This webinar forms part of the Gateway Alliance – Senior Leaders’ Network CPD subscription. Schools that have purchased this subscription have 1 FREE place on the live event.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us on 02476 347697 or email:


Toby Greany

Toby is Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham. His research is focused on how policy and practice interact to shape educational opportunities and outcomes, in particular across local systems and through networks, and the nature and role of leadership in these processes.

His research includes studies funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, Education Endowment Foundation, Nuffield Foundation, Wellcome Trust and UK Department for Education. He chairs the Greater Manchester Priority Education Investment Area Partnership Board on behalf of the Department for Education. His most recent book – Leading Educational Networks: Theory, Policy and Practice (Bloomsbury, 2022) – was co-authored with Dr Annelies Kamp, University of Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand. He has advised the OECD, EU and ministries in several countries on issues relating to school leadership and educational system reform.

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