Working Together: Parents & Carers as Partners

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Working Together: Parent & Carers as Partners led by Hannah Hall

This session is brought to you by Gateway Alliance, working in partnership with the East Midlands Academy Trust.


Calling all Senior Leaders!

Are you finding home-school relationships becoming more and more challenging?

Are you struggling to get parents to engage and support your culture?

Are you wanting to improve your skills in having difficult conversations with parents?

With the latest evidence suggesting that there is a decrease in teachers’ confidence in dealing with parents and an increase in reports of abuse of school staff by parents (Teacher Tapp – Feb 2024) join us for this invaluable opportunity to focus on building effective partnerships between schools and parents/carers, which will enhance the educational experience and outcomes for children. During this session we will:

  • Explore how to create a ‘Relationship Policy’ which will establish the foundational values, roles, expectations, communication strategies and behaviours necessary to build trusting and productive partnerships with parents and carers.
  • Look at the practicalities of implementation planning, leveraging the latest guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). With a focus on parental partnership, participants will learn to integrate this guidance into staff induction processes, CPD and the creation of a parent partnership handbook.
  • Look at the importance of weaving parental engagement into the curriculum and broader educational outcomes.
  • Provide you with the confidence and tools you need to be better prepared to handle tricky conversations, how these might be best structured and look at some scripts to handle sensitive topics and discuss difficult situations.

DATE: Tuesday 8th October 2024

TIME: 08:30-12:00 – followed by LUNCH and networking

VENUE: East Midlands Academy Trust, Pyramus House, Roman Way, Grange Park, Northampton, NN4 5EA

COST: £115 £65 per person – SPECIAL OFFER



If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us on 02476 347697 or email:

Hannah Hall is an experienced School Improvement Consultant, Coach & Trainer. She is a trainer within the ‘When the Adults Change’ training team, working closely with Paul Dix and specialising in Behaviour, SEMH & SEND. Hannah works nationally and internationally supporting Schools (early years to FE, & Special/AP settings), Local Authorities & Trusts in reviewing, implementing, and developing cultural change, policy, systems and provision.

Having been in Education for 20 years, Hannah has worked at Local Authority Consultancy level for the National Strategies, as an Adviser for Achievement For All, as Senior Leader in several schools, and as Acting Principal at an Alternative Provision in the centre of Birmingham. She has ‘walked the walk’ on all she delivers and has certainly used the many mistakes she has made as learning points in her career! 

Alongside this Hannah is an Evidence Lead in Education for the EEF & Staffordshire Research School, is an Adviser & Verifier for the SEND & Inclusion Award & Leading Parent Partnership Award. She also delivers training & consultancy on Attachment, Trauma & therapeutic provision, is an Emotion Coach licensee, Thrive Practitioner, MITA/MPTA licensee, Mental Health First Aider & qualified Life Coach.

Gateway Alliance are delighted to be working in partnership with the East Midlands Academy Trust (EMAT) to offer a number of high quality professional development opportunities to schools in Northamptonshire, Milton Keynes and the surrounding area.

Gateway have been supporting the training and development of school staff since 2012. We work with more than 500 schools and offer over 150 courses, programmes and networks each year.

EMAT is driven by a strong moral purpose that every child has the right to outstanding teaching and leadership. The Trust set high expectations for their leaders and teachers to support and stretch every child to ensure they reach their full potential, and their in-house EMAT Training Hub is a centre for learning and professional development for their #EMATters family of staff.

Gateway and EMAT share a passion for the transformative power of professional learning and by working together are committed to supporting schools to access the very best, evidence-informed professional development opportunities in order to have an impact on outcomes for children across the locality.

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