Curriculum CPD Programme

How does it work...?

We are offering inspiring curriculum CPD sessions in 10 wider curriculum subjects.

The full day or equivalent courses are targeted at subject leaders, although classroom practitioners might also benefit from attending. Each of the sessions will be led by a nationally recognised subject expert who has experience of working with schools in a variety of contexts.  The courses will have a broad range of subject specific foci but always reflect the latest research and Ofsted expectations.

Schools can access sessions individually or subscribe for discounted access to 5 or all 10 courses.

The sessions will provide an opportunity for strategic thinking but also offer a range of practical ideas that can be taken back to the classroom and shared with colleagues back in school.

The courses will be run as a mix of face to face and online sessions and all course resources, recordings and useful links are made available to members and their schools, via our online resource hub housed on our website. All members receive personal access to this area to ensure that they can access resources quickly and easily throughout the year.

For more information about our Curriculum CPD Programme for this year please take a look at our Training & Development Brochure or visit our online event pages.

Join us...

Click on the links below to find out more about how to subscribe for the year and book places at our events.