Partnership Programmes

Working together to support schools

Current Partnerships

Teaching School Hubs

Working in partnership with our local Teaching School Hubs, we are involved in the facilitation of the following programmes:

For more information contact Pam Carpenter our CPD Programme Manager

National Research Schools

We are delighted that Pam Carpenter from the Gateway team is a designated Evidence Lead in Education (ELE) linked to Staffordshire Research School and is involved in leading a range of research-based programmes for schools across the region.

For more information contact Pam.

National Award for SEN Coordination

In partnership with the University of Northampton we also deliver the National Award for SEN Coordination. This is a locally delivered, year-long, accredited CPD programme with new cohorts starting each autumn.

The course aims to:

  • Develop inclusive teaching approaches and co-ordinate provision for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities in their schools
  • Apply methods to identify additional needs and monitor the progress of pupils with SEN and/or disabilities
  • Instigate evidence-based, strategic approaches when deploying, supporting and managing other teaching and support staff
  • Establish networks and partnerships with other local SENCos, stakeholders and local partners

For more information CLICK HERE.

Our Partners

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