What’s coming up this Spring…

Author: Pam Carpenter
Category: news

Gateway Alliance is all set for a sensational Spring as we welcome our networks back in 2023.

Our English, Maths and SENCo Networks have an exciting February ahead with full day face-to-face conference events. Each conference will will bring together our whole network for an inspiring day exploring new and innovative practice. The focus for each conference has been driven by the needs of the network and will provide an opportunity to hear from these exciting guest speakers:

Our new Early Years Leaders’ Network is geared up to welcome back Ruth Swailes to an online Early Years Leaders’ Network Meeting session on Monday 6th February which will explore issues arising based on feedback from our network in the Autumn Term and key updates in the world of Early Years.

Early Years Leaders and practitioners are also in for a treat as we see the return of Greg Bottrill to our first Early Years Inspiration Day: The joy of Drawing Club and the adventure of co-play. Greg will share his concept of Drawing Club, aimed at amplifying language, mark making, mathematics, connection and imagination. Drawing Club has huge scope as part of your practice since it was created to show five year olds the magic world of story and how to adventure there. Greg will also introduce a treasure trove of ideas to add extra joy to the days spent with children including Story Dough! and Babblejab! The day will include links to a wealth of supporting resources. If you would like to join us on Wednesday 15th March, do book a place!

With a focus on Early Years, our Senior Leader Network will welcome Ruth Swailes to their second Thinkpiece webinar of 2022-23 on Friday 3rd February: Evaluating the quality of Early Years teaching in school. Ruth will provide senior leaders with the opportunity to reflect on the importance of early education, drawing on extensive research to explore what really makes a difference to our youngest learners and what this might look like daily in the classroom.

Our Curriculum CPD events this Spring Term will bring together subject leaders of Science, Art and Geography.

Eleanor Atkinson returns to lead our Curriculum CPD Science event, Progression in Primary Science – Right here, right now…and for our future exploring: ‘Progression from EYFS to KS2′ and ‘Working scientifically: How do we ensure that all practical work leads to good learning opportunities?’ This session also supports Gateway Alliance’s focus on Sustainability and ‘Going green’ with activities that apply scientific knowledge and skills in the classroom: How does sustainability fit into the science curriculum?

Continuing with our theme of Sustainability, our Curriculum CPD for Geography event on Friday 17th March led by David Weatherly aims to explore how to ‘Embed Sustainability through Geography Provision EYFS – Year 6′. David will join us again in the Summer Term to lead another session for History and Geography subject leaders on Writing High Quality Enquiries in History and Geography:  EYFS – Year 6′.

Art subject leaders will be joined by Emma-Jo Bairstow on Friday 3rd March for The Power of the Arts – Building confidence, creativity and strength in your creative curriculum. The session will focus on how to develop the art curriculum using cross curricular links and embedding skills. Emma will share planning structures and examples that are skills based and lead to a final outcome that links with the wider learning.  This will also be an opportunity to discuss progression from EYFS – Year 6 and effective ways of recording this through sketchbooks and displays.

If any of these events has captured your interest and you would like further information, please do book a place on the website or contact us on info@gatewayalliance.co.uk